a. Free software                                 
b. Customized software
c. Download software                       
d. None of these

    a. Drivers                                          
    b. Operators
    c. Connecters                                     
    d. None of these

      a. Infrastructure destroying               
      b. Spying
      c. Network Security                           
      d. All of these

        a. Free software                     
        b. Customized software
        c. Public Domain software
        d. None of these

          a. Motherboard                    
          b. Display
          c. Hard disk                           
          d. None of these

            a. Dell                                     
            b. Microsoft
            c. Apple                                 
            d. None of these

              a. Pixel                                   
              b. thin blinking line
              c. pointing device                  
              d. None of these

                a. Software                             
                b. Hardware
                c. ICC                                    
                d. Motherboard

                  a. Bill gates                            
                  b. Bill Clinton
                  c. Babbage                             
                  d. Satya Nadella

                    a. combined                               
                    b. Modifiers
                    c. Base keys                           
                    d. None of these

                      a. Dell                                                 
                      b. IBM
                      c. Microsoft                                        
                      d. HP

                        a. RAM                                              
                        b. Hard Disk
                        c. Buses                                              
                        d. Cache Memory

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