a. Install spyware                             
b. To use of technology for development
c. To destroy infrastructure                
d. All of these

    a. Data files                                        
    b. LOG files
    c. DRV files                                       
    d. WAV files

      a. Book mark                                    
      b. Cross reference
      c. Reference                                       
      d. None of these

        a. Computer                                       
        b. Network
        c. Software                                         
        d. All of these

          a. Time to spin date under sector       
          b. Time to spin the needed data under head
          c. Time to spin the data under track  
          d. All of these

          a. Uploading images                          
          b. Accelerated Static image
          c. Updating images                            
          d. None of these

          a. Data bus                                         
          b. Power bus
          c. Control bus                                     
          d. All of these

            a. Sound                                             
            b. Modem
            c. Graphics                                        
            d. Network Information

              a. Minimize
              b. Close
              c. Maximize                                        
              d. None of these

              a. Desktop                                          
              b. Recycle bin
              c. Taskbar                                           
              d. None of these

                a. Hard copy                                      
                b. soft copy
                c. print copy                                       
                d. None of these

                  a. Storage device                                
                  b. Printer
                  c. Special slot                                     
                  d. None of these

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