a. Hardware                                       
b. Firmware
c. Software                                        
d. None of these

    a. Interpreter                                      
    b. CPU
    c. Compiler                                       
    d. None of these

      a. Default                                           
      b. Installation
      c. Processing                                      
      d. None of these

        a. Monitor                                          
        b. Hardware
        c. Software                                        
        d. Printer

          a. Ram                                                
          b. Hard disk
          c. Monitor                                          
          d. Windows XP

            a. CPU                                               
            b. Power supply
            c. RAM                                              
            d. None of these

              a. Motherboard                                  
              b. Hardware
              c. Firmware                                        
              d. None of these

                a. Physical parts                               
                b. Program
                c. Printed parts                                   
                d. Logical parts

                  a. Firmware components                    
                  b. Logical components
                  c. Physical components                    
                  d. None of these

                    a. Mouse                                           
                    b. Plotter
                    c. Keyboard                                      
                    d. Scanner

                      a. Laser Printer                                 
                      b. Inkjet Printer
                      c. Plotter                                          
                      d. Dot matrix Printer

                        a. Soft copy                                      
                        b. Hard copy
                        c. Photo copy                                    
                        d. Ditto copy

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