a. Template                                         
b. Theme
c. Layout                                            
d. Placeholder

    a. JPG                                                 
    b. Music
    c. Video                                             
    d. All of these

      a. Insert & on mouse click                 
      b. Format & on mouse click
      c. Transition & on mouse click        
      d. None of these

        a. Drawing tab                                   
        b. Formatting toolbar
        c. Insert tab                                        
        d. All of these

           a. Slide Show                        
          b. Slide Sorter
          c. Normal View                      
          d. None of these

            a. Slide Sorter                        
            b. Slide Show view
            c. Reading View                    
            d. Outline View

              a. Presentation                                  
              b. Graphic
              c. Word processing                            
              d. Spreadsheet

                a. Animation                                      
                b. Audio
                c. Video                                             
                d. All of these

                  a. Text group                                    
                  b. Object group
                  c. Tables group                                   
                  d. Illustrations group

                    a. Illustrations                                    
                    b. Object
                    c. Tables                                             
                    d. None of these

                      a. Selection pane                               
                      b. Wrap text
                      c. Hyphenation                                   
                      d. None of these

                        a. Drawing bar                                   
                        b. Formatting toolbar
                        c. Standard toolbar                            
                        d. All of these

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