a. Insert                                              
b. Copy
c. Dashes                                            
d. Semicolons

    a. 200%                                              
    b. 300%
    c. 400%                                             
    d. 500%

    a. Jpg                                                  
    b. way
    c. gif                                                   
    d. All of these

      a. Slide View                                     
      b. Slide Show View
      c. Orientation View                           
      d. Presentation View

        a. Slide Show Menu                           
        b. Insert Menu
        c. Tools Menu                                    
        d. Format Menu

          a. XLS                                                
          b. PPT
          c. TXT                                                
          d. All of these

            a. Home tab                                        
            b. Insert tab
            c. Draw tab                                        
            d. None of these

            a. Animations                                     
            b. Video
            c. Audio                                             
            d. All of these

              a. Slides                                              
              b. Notes
              c. Outline                                           
              d. None of these

                a. Color Scheme                                 
                b. Animation Scheme
                c. Style Scheme                                  
                d. None of these

                  a. MS-PowerPoint                                
                  b. MS- word
                  c. MS-Excel                                       
                  d. None of these

                    a. MS Word                                       
                    b. MS Excel
                    c. MS PowerPoint    
                    d. None of these

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