Category: Computer

  • a. My documents                              
    b. Display
    c. Date and time                                 
    d. None of these

a. 1″                                                    
b. 0.5″
c. 0″    
d. None of these

a. Enter                                               
b. Tab
c. Space                                              
d. None of these

    a. Blank                                              
    b. Title
    c. Home                                              
    d. None of these

      a. User happy                                     
      b. User friendly
      c. User simple                                     
      d. None of these

        a. Loader                                            
        b. Operating system
        c. Assembler                                       
        d. None of these

          a. Assembly Language                       
          b. Machine Language
          c. Object code                                    
          d. None of these

            a. Operating System                         
            b. System Software
            c. Application Software                     
            d. None of these

              a. Email Server                                   
              b. Client Server
              c. Email Programmer                          
              d. None of these

                a. Web pages                                     
                b. Web server
                c. Websites                                         
                d. None of these

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