Category: MS Access

a. Memo                                             
b. Picture
c. Currency                                         
d. Auto number

    a. Open source                                   
    b. MS Access
    c. Command Line Interface               
    d. None of these

      a. One                                                 
      b. Two
      c. Three                                              
      d. Many

        a. field, Record                                 
        b. Record, field
        c. Data source, field                           
        d. None of these

          a. Array                                              
          b. Subscript
          c. Object                                             
          d. None of element

          a. Character                                        
          b. Record
          c. Byte                                                
          d. Field

            a. Fields cannot be added                  
            b. Fields cannot be deleted
            c. Fields can added but only once     
            d. Field can be added and deleted as needed

              a. File manager                                   
              b. Field
              c. Database                                        
              d. None of these

                a. create web pages                              
                b. Tool development
                c. Data Table                                    
                d. None of these

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