Category: Computer Fundamental Mcqs

a. Primary key                                  
b. Unique
c. Null                                                
d. Goreign key

    a. Pie-chart                                         
    b. Area chart
    c. T-graph                                         
    d. Line graph

      a. Identify the base of a number system        
      b. Specify the problem completely and clearly
      c. Know the memory capacity                       
      d. None of these

        a. Boost Sector                                   
        b. Partition table
        c. File Allocation Table          
        d. None of these

        a. Google                                            
        b. Apple
        c. Microsoft                                        
        d. None of these

          a. Red triangle                                    
          b. Yellow triangle
          c. Blue triangle                                   
          d. None of these

            a. Assembler                                       
            b. Compiler
            c. Distributor                                      
            d. Tabulator

              a. Shape Style                                    
              b. Line Thickness
              c. Thickness Styles                             
              d. Shape Line Thickness

                a. Graphic Card                                                          
                b. Accelerator Card
                c. AGP (Accelerator Graphics Port)          
                d. NVIDIA Graphic Resolution Port

                a. MS Excel                                        
                b. MS Access
                c. MS Outlook                                   
                d. MS Photo Editor

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