a. ALU                                               
b. Control Unit
c. Main memory                                 
d. None of these

    a. Motherboard
    b. Register
    c. CPU
    d. None                                              
    e. None of these

      a. CPU
      b.  Micro Chip
      c. Ups
      d. None                                              
      e. PUS

        a. Control Unit                                   
        b. CPU
        c. ALU                                               
        d. None of these

          a. Cobol                                              
          b. Lisp
          c. Assembly                                        
          d. Fortran

            a. English                                           
            b. Symbolic
            c. High Level                                     
            d. None of these

              a. Machine                                          
              b. Assembly
              c. Both A&B                                     
              d. None of these

                a. Octal                                              
                b. Binary
                c. Decimal                                          
                d. None of these

                  a. English Code                                  
                  b. Binary Code
                  c. Link Code                                      
                  d. Mnemonics

                    a. Systematic                                      
                    b. Decimal
                    c. Binary                                            
                    d. None of these

                      a. Data                                                
                      b. Instruction
                      c. Information                                   
                      d. None of these

                        a. Knowledge                                     
                        b. Information
                        c. Sensation                                        
                        d. None of these

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