a. 1.22 MB
b. 1.33 MB
c. 1.44 MB
d. None of these
a. 1024 bytes
b. 1024 bits
c. 1024 megabytes
d. 1024 terabytes
a. 1 quadrillion bytes
b. 1 trillion bytes
c. 1 billion bytes
d. 1 million bytes
a. CD
b. RW
c. DVD
d. ROM
a. 10000 bytes
b. 1024 bytes
c. 1 million bytes
d. 10 million bytes
a. Floppy disk
b. Hard disk
c. CD
d. All of these
a. Circular tracks
b. Sectors
c. Both circular tracks and sectors
d. None of these
a. Track
b. Rom
c. Sector
d. None of these
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